From July 1 2017, greyhound racing will be banned in New South Wales, Australia.
The ban came as a result of findings from a Special Commissions of Inquiry. The inquiry found shocking revelations such as healthy dogs being killed merely as they were “not fast enough” for racing, live baiting used in training and general mistreatment of dogs which resulted in many deaths and injuries. Shortly after the announcement, the ACT has also vowed to follow suit and ban the racing in their state as well and many animal activists are now calling for a national ban to ensure that trainers do not simply move their dogs and races interstate.
The ban will make NSW the first state in Australia to ban greyhound racing and is a big step forwards in the fight for a cruelty free country. You can read the full details of the report here.
“Greyhound Racing 2 amk.jpg” by AngMoKio at en.wikipedia is licensed under Creative Commons.
What are your thoughts? Should greyhound racing be banned nationally?
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