The Big Vegan Honey Debate

posted in: All About Food, Questions, Vegan | 3

A big debate that has been ongoing since the beginning of veganism is the subject of honey. Honey is produced by bees so technically and by definition it is NOT vegan, however, just a quick google search online will come up with many arguments where vegans do allow consumption of honey. …read more

Vegetarians Eat Fish

posted in: All About Food, Questions | 3

We’ve all met them or come across someone at least once in our lives – a vegetarian who eats fish. Technically, they would be considered a pescatarian but it does pose an interesting question. Why do some “vegetarians” choose to add fish to their plant based diet? Why fish and not, say, a steak or bacon? …read more

Get Inked Vegan Style

posted in: Vegan | 0

You’ve finally made up your mind and you know exactly what you want done. Yep, you know it’s permanent and yep, you know all of the health risks associated with getting a tattoo. But did you know that many tattoo inks are not vegan? Did you know that animal products can be used from when your skin is being prepared, to the tattoo process itself and during the aftercare as well? …read more

Omega-3 for Vegans

posted in: All About Food, Vegan | 0

Omega-3 is a type of fatty acid that is mainly found in fish, e.g. salmon and tuna. It is important for our well being and health, however, it is a substance that must be consumed as our bodies cannot make them. Since it is mainly found in fish and fish products, omega-3 nutrition has always been a hot topic for vegans. …read more

What’s in my drink!?

posted in: Questions, Vegan | 0

So it is clearly obvious that now that you’re on a vegan diet, you need to avoid things like sausages, cheese and eggs. But what about less obvious things like alcohol? Is alcohol vegan friendly? Can you still enjoy that glass of wine over dinner? …read more